Sunday, August 23, 2009

Volunteering...Getting Back By Giving Back

 Photo: Senior Corps
Retirement doesn't have to mean the end of productivity for people over 55 anymore, on the contrary, it can be the beginning of something wonderful.  Maybe you've always secretly been a closet historian, or wanted to be a teacher or mentor your whole life.  Volunteering allows you the opportunity to pursue those passions you've always wanted to pursue but couldn't.  University studies have shown that not only do the people receiving your volunteer help benefit, but those doing the volunteering do as well.  People who volunteer 40 hours per year to a single cause are almost twice as likely to outlive their non volunteering counterparts.  The vast knowledge base of seniors is an invaluable asset to many organizations who are seeking the expertise of the 55 and over crowd in growing numbers.

You can choose to volunteer at any number of places that might interest you.  In addition to traditional volunteer organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Lions Club, and Habitat for Humanity there are plenty of other areas where you can share your time and unique talents.  Schools love having volunteers to help tutor children in a variety of subjects, museums and historic sites are constantly looking for a steady supply of helpful volunteers, or why not lend your time and efforts at a homeless shelter or battered womens shelter.  

You can start your search for places to volunteer by contacting your local government's Office On Aging.

Or visit the Administration on Aging website to find out about volunteer opportunities where seniors are helping other seniors.  Their website outlines a whole list of volunteer activities along with information vital to seniors such as disaster preparedness and important health information.

Senior Corps is another wonderful resource for people over 55 who want to volunteer in their communities.  They have a Foster Grandparent Program, Senior Companion Program, and an RSVP Program to help you find the perfect match for your skills and talents to non profit organizations in your area.

Get out and volunteer TODAY!



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